It's a odd thing when all your dreams come true. It's something you don't expect and when you get it you feel a bit uncomfortable. I've been battling with a secret for months. We've done what I always wanted to do which was to move back home to the Isles of Scilly. Even writing that feels a bit like tempting fate. But it's happened. I am here. I'm sitting in front of my computer in my new house, the sun is rising over Tresco and oyster catchers are dancing around Green Bay. I'm home.
We're going to run it as an eco friendly B&B ( I get to cook for a living...and I am so excited. And terrified. But we get to wake up to this everyday....
The work is incredible. Every muscle and bone aches as we try and reclaim the garden from years and years of brambles. But the plants are still there, succulents, fuchsia bushes, agapathus and echiums. They are just tangled in thorns and a lot of rhodedendrom. This is going to be the vegetable patch...This was before we started clearing.